DDI Dr. Raoul Vallon

Image of Raoul Vallon
Office location: Wiedner Hauptstraße 76, Stiege 2, 2. Stock; 1040 Wien
Office hours: by appointment per e-mail
E-Mail: {{laim}}


At INSO I am the operative head of the AMMA research team on software engineering processes, focusing especially on large-scale applications and utilizing empirical software engineering methods.

In 2010/2011 I participated in the European Master on Software Engineering program at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. In 2014 I was a visiting researcher at Professor Larry Leifer’s Center for Design Research (CDR) at Stanford University. In 2016 I finished my PhD studies at TU Wien with my dissertation titled "Towards a Light-weight Distributed Software Development Process: Empirically Driven Design of the Agile Distributed Adaptable Process Toolkit (ADAPT)".


Topics for theses can be found on the AMMA wall.


I am particularly interested in researching software engineering processes in the large with a special focus on (but not limited to) Agile and Lean Software Development and (Globally) Distributed Software Development. Currently I am a post-doctoral researcher and continue to work on the ADAPT process framework for applying agile practices in distributed development environments that has been the output of my dissertation.
